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The Lincoln Lawyer

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011 , Posted by Josh at 09.57

release date : 8 April 2011 (Indonesia)
Genre : Crime | Drama | Thriller
IMDB rating :7.4/10 (19,654 votes) 112 reviews

Director:Brad Furman
Writers:John Romano (screenplay), Michael Connelly (novel)
Stars:Matthew McConaughey, Marisa Tomei and Ryan Phillippe


Mick Haller is a defense lawyer who works out of his Lincoln. When a wealthy Realtor is accused of raping a prostitute, Haller is asked to defend him. The man claims that the woman is trying to get some money out of him. But when Haller looks at the evidence against him, he learns that this case might be linked to an old case of his.

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